Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Story: Cat Prince

Once upon a time there was a dashing prince. He was so charming that he could get any girl he wanted but he had his heart set on a witch. His parents did not approve of this as a good chose for a wife. So when it came time for the prince to wed his parents pick out a princess from two kingdoms over. Now the prince didn't want to marry her. So the witch had come up with a plan to meet at the old oak tree at sundown the night before he shall be wed and the two would runaway together. They had both agreed on this plan.

Two days before the wedding the princess came to the palace. She was beautiful, probably the most beautiful person the young prince had ever seen. She had caught him in a trance and couldn't imagine marrying anyone but her. The prince rushed into the wedding preparations. He spent the those two days getting everything ready.

The sun had begun to set the night before the wedding and the witch was waiting under the oak tree just as they had agreed. She waited there until there was no more sunlight. Her young prince never showed, so she went to investigate where he had gone. When she got into the palace she saw her prince's arms around the princesses shoulders. This made her furious. She made the princess vanishing in thin air and casted a curse over the prince for his betrayal. She then turn the palace into a huge forest with the oak tree at the center and turn the prince into a black cat . Where he shall remain until he he could see the good from the inside instead of just outside.
The Cat Prince BuzzFeed
About 20 years had past and everyone had forgotten about the vanishing princess and  city. To the point that a small market had been built in the forest with the old oak tree in the center of the market. Once a week the cat prince would go down to the market and an old women would offer him a bowl of milk, but every week he would ignore it and go after a very young very beautiful girl. He had managed to get two girl attentions but when he got back to there homes, he would speak and frighten the girls. Making them believe he was some type of demon. Both times he was kicked out of the house and return home to the oak tree.

Until one day he made his rounds and once more the old women laid down the bowl of milk. He was so hungry he decided to take the old woman's kindness. After finishing it, he hopped up on the table to meet the woman's gaze. She began to pet him and talk about her life. The cat prince sat there and listened until the end of the day. She offered him a place for the night. He gladly took the offer. When entering the woman's home, which was more of a shake, the women began to talk to him once more. He found a comfortable place on the the ground and admired her.

She said "you're a pretty nice cat. I'll keep you if you'll have me." The cat prince nodded in response. With the nod the cat prince was transformed into an old man. The witches curse had finally been broken, and the two never stopped loving each other till the end of their days.

Author's Notes:
I chose the story the Enchanted Prince. The original story reminded me of beauty and the beast. But I wanted to change it slightly to were the prince had a better lesson to learn. I also wanted to keep it in a classic time period because I felt like the setting fit better. I also added a back story to the witch and the prince as well as the prince breaking his promise to meet the witch.

Bibliography: Filipino Popular Tales: Enchanted Prince by Dean Fansler. Link to source

Monday, September 26, 2016

Reading Notes: Philippines Folktales

When reading this weeks readings there were several that were similar to ones that I have read in earlier weeks. The one that was the most similar was "The Devil and the Guachinango" this had the same last couple of paragraphs as the turkish folktale, "The Imp of the Well" The devil jumps into the young women and the Guachinango scares the devil out of her. This is the excat same ending in the turkish tale.
Tagalog couple, wikipedia

Also "The Enchanted Prince" was very similar to the fairy tale classic beauty and the beast. This followed the ideas very close. with a witch turning the prince into a creature for a current amount of time until a maiden could break the curse.

I think for this week I may use the story of the three friends or the three brothers. these two stood out to me. If i would retold this, I would change the ending in both. The second one I felt like there was no lesson learned. And in the first one I am not a fan of the ending. I need to read the second part to see if I want to use those stories instead, but I really enjoyed reading theses tales this week.

Bibilography: Filipino Popular Tales by Dean Fansler. Link to source

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Story: Seeking Luck

Once there were twi sisters Leisl was the eldest and kelly was the youngest. Growing up these two sisters where very different in the way of their luck. Leisl always had good luck, while kelly's best friend was bad luck.
    One day the two girls where sitting at home when a knock came to the door. Both rushed over but kelly tripped over her own two feet. It was a messenger. His name tagged read Mr. Lucky. "I have a package here for a ms Leisl." She ripped open the top and it was filled with multiple gifts from her boyfriend. Kelly still on the ground said "why is it that she gets all the good luck. Where's my luck?" Mr. Lucky smiled and replied. "your luck has been asleep for quick sometime now."
    Pulling herself up she crossed her arms. "Asleep? Asleep! Why is he asleep?" Mr. Lucky gave the box to Leisl and said "he's due to wake soon." "where is he? I'm going to wake him up." Mr. Lucky laughed at her. kelly got up in his face almost missing his tie. "ok ok. he's asleep two towns over in the old McQueen hotel" She let go of him and headed to the hotel.
    She past the flower shop and the flowerist stopped her. "where are you off to Ms. Kelly?" "I'm off to wake my luck." The flowerist smiled, "When you wake him can you ask him why my flowers die within a day." Kelly nodded and continued walking. A man walked out of a big building with casual clothes and a brief case. Kelly ran into him knocking his brief case open. "Sorry excuse me miss, Where are you in such a rush?" He said. "I'm off to wake my luck." She replied. after all the papers where picked up the man said, " Oh when you wake hime can you ask why people don't respect me?"  She nodded and headed on her way. She was almost there when a homeless women stopped her. "I'm sorry miss but where are you in such a hurry?" "I'm off to wake my luck." kelly replied. "Oh when you find him can you ask him why I can get no money for food?" Kelly nodded and headed her way.
   She finally made it to the hotel and found the room that her luck was in. He was asleep on the floor. She ran over to him and kicked him in the side. "Wake up." Her luck jolted awake. "What do you want I'm not scheduled to wake for another year." "I need you up now. I have some questions for you." She told her luck the question that where asked. "tell the flowerist the reason why her flowers are dead is there is gold clogging her water. tell her to pull them out and her flowers with live. Tell the business man is because he's the CEO and should dress like one. Tell the homeless women when ever she sees a fool to take there money." Kelly nodded and head back. She ran into the business man.
  "My luck said that you are the CEO and you should dress like it." "You right! Do you want a job as my personal assistant?" "no thank you I have other business to attend to." she smiled and headed her way to the floweriest. "My luck told me the reason your flowers are dying is that your pipes are clogged with gold. pull out the gold and you flowers shall live longer." The flowerist smiled. " Oh my come help me get out the gold and we shall spilt it." Kelly shook her head. "No thank you I have other business to attend to."  and headed to the homeless women. "I know why you have no food. my luck says when you see a fool take everything they hold valuable." The homeless women smile and said, "Hey miss look up." Kelly looked up. and the homeless women attacked her and took all her valuables.  "And you my dear are a mighty fool."

Don't pass up an opportunity when it is given to you.

illustration of the man you woke his luck blogspot

Author Notes: I based off the story the man who when looking for his luck. I wanted to change it slightly. To where he didn't die in the end but still learned a lesson.

Bibliography: Pursian Tales Translated by D.L.R. Lorimer and E.O. Lorimer Link to source

Monday, September 19, 2016

Reading Notes:Pursain tales part 1

Out of all the readings  I did for this unit I think my favorite one was the first reading. It reminded me of little red riding hood and the three little pigs all in one story. There was a lesson to be learned from this one. I think this is why I like it so much. I feel like if you can't learn something from a story then the story is not doing it job. I think I may use this in my weekly story.
I really wasn't a fan of the second story. The city of nothing in the world. I felt like this one keep rambling on and on. I started to lose interest in it very quickly. I am not to sure what this story was about. As well as Susku and Mushu. It turns very extreme in the end. To the point of moaner where three characters end up harming themselves. I think this is a little extreme, and for that reason I am not a huge fan of this story. If i was going to retell this story I would use the same writing aspects but change the plot line a bit. I think I am going to wait until tomorrow when I read part two to pick my story of the week. When I Started reading it I thought it was going to be a love story not an epic tragedy.

Cover Of Fairy Tales Blogspot
Bibliography: Persian Tales translated by David Lorimer and Emily Lorimer Link to post

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Tech Tip: Google Site Website

I decided to do the Storybook for my project! You should check out my website for it. I only have the home page up but more will be added in the next week! 

I hope you enjoy what you see! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 4

So last week I had said the stress level hadn't kicked in, well I found it in week 4. And it is only Tuesday. I feel like week four is the week when everyone realize how much stuff needs to get done. As well as exams start to appear. This last week I had gotten behind on some of my work so I am trying to get ahead in all my classes as well as playing catch up on lots of readings in other classes. Usually I don't really need to read for my other classes but my Communication class you have to read the book or you will be completely lost.

The great thing about this class is, it makes me write every day. Which, in my opinion, makes my writing skills stronger. As well as allowing me to be more knowledgable of different ways to write something. Like my last post was written in second person. Going back to the stress part. I'm one of four captains for the Pride of Oklahoma Color Guard. And we are learning a new show every week, which we write, I just have to find time to do homework and work around the pride schedule. But don't get me wrong I'm excited for the Ohio State Game this weekend! Let's go beat those Buckeyes!
Oklahoma and Ohio State stats via Sooner Sports

But looking at the rest of this week getting ahead in this class will defiantly help me catch up on some readings for some of my other classes. I just need to keep reminding myself to take it one step at a time.

Story: Backstage Pass

You looking for a Backstage pass for the Coldplay concert? Well Calvin's your guy. Your only problem is Calvin always asks for something in return. No not money, he will ask you to go out and find something so be prepared to start your search. Calvin usually sets up shop about a block from the ticket booth. Find out what he wants in exchange and I can see I can help. 

Coldplay backstage pass via tumblr

(5 mins later)

What is it Calvin wants? Wait did you say he wanted a Jessie J album cover? Ok that will be a little more difficult to find then normal but if you go to Tina's Record Shop and ask for Jill she should be able to help you out.  It's about half a mile north of the concert hall. You smile and head towards the shop.

 You have about four hour before the concert starts and you need to find Tina's Record Shop. Your pace picks up and you have finally reached the shop. When you walk in there is only one girl with purple hair standing at the counter. "Hey how can I help you." You can assume that this is Jill by the name tag she is wearing. "Oh your the guy that's here for the Jessie J Album cover. Sorry but this is only for trade, if you get your hands on one of Philip Philips guitar picks from Billy Jean's Music store then we can talk. Oh sorry you probably need direction. Your gonna make a left and once you hit the corner make a right. Billie Jean's is on the corner. Ask for Jim. I'll hold this for you until you return." Rolling your eyes you agree and leave the store heading for Billie Jean's Music Store.  

You don't have a hard time finding the store but you have a difficult time finding Jim. Apparently he was on break. About a half hour passes and Jim finally appears from his break. Rushing over to him he answers "Oh hey you must be the one Jill sent. I have the pick right here for you. But I can't give this away freely." Frustrated you look at your watch you have about three hours till the concert. Looking back up Jim continues "If you can get your hands on one of Toby Keith cowboys hat I'll trade you the pick for the hat. Now don't freak out he's giving them away at the Longo stage complex." Talking a deep breath you bolt out the store and head for Longo Stage complex luckily it's only a couple of blocks away. 

Once you get there the line is pretty short. Seems to be towards the end of the signing. Your next, you finally get there. "hey hows it going." Your heart is racing you see no cowboy hats in sight. you begin to explain your predicament to Toby Keith "Oh that's sounds like some day your having. Unfortunately I'm out of hats expect for the one on my head." Your head falls to the ground in disappointment. "But hey I'll make you a deal you look like a singer. If you can sing me a few bars of one of my songs to prove your a true fan then I'll trade over my hat. Deal?" You agree on the spot. Toby pulls out his phone, hits record and you sing the best version of  Red Solo Cup you have ever sung. Toby is getting a crack out of your performance.  Laughing he interrupts you. "Ok ok, very nice here you go. hope you make it in time for that concert!" 

You take the hat from Toby, thank him and rush back to Billie Jean's. Running inside you trade the hat for the guitar pick. Guitar pick in hand you race back to Tina's Record Shop where Jill is waiting for you with the Jessie J album cover. You make the trade and begin to run as fast as you can to Calvin. You have about thirty minutes until the concert starts. You See Calvin in sight and present the album cover. He sits there for a couple of minutes inspecting it. He smiles and hands you two backstage passes. You and your friend made it just in time to see the band before they go on. You spend the night jamming to Coldplay's concert back stage. This will be a day that you will never forget. 

Author's Notes
 I based this story on Ignacz Kunos's The Liver. It follows the same guide lines of a maiden that buys a liver for her and her mother but then the liver is stolen. To get it back she has to find items to give to other merchants in return to get the liver back from the stork. I wanted to change it to a modern day feel to see what I could do with it based in the music realm. The hardest part was trying to come up with different items to trade with.  

Bibliography: Ignacz Kunos The Liver link to text   

Reading Notes:Turkish Part B

Book Cover of Forty Four Turkish Fairy Tales blogspot

The second reading had about six different stories. In most of these stories I felt like the person who did wrong got what they wanted. Such as in the Wizards Pupil, the apprentice left the wizard and did not follow the intrusions. In the end he was granted the princess in the end. I was very confused by the last story Kunterbunt. The whole thing was a riddle and I couldn't figure out what the answer to the riddle was. I was trying to figure out the lesson to be learned in this story but i have a feeling there wasn't one. It was there to be a riddle and make the reader really think when reading this story.
There was a common theme amongst them. It was that everything comes at a price. Whenever you want to get something you must give something in return. We can clearly see this in The Liver. Anytime the maiden would need something someone else would ask for it in return. If I was going to do one of these stories I would probably do The Liver. I would base it off of one of the characters the maiden talks to. Base a short story around them. Or even twist the story and make it be at an amusement park. I think The Wizards Pupil and The Liver where my favorite stories to read this week.

Bibliography: Ignacz Kunos Forty-Four Turkish Fairy Tales Link to text 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Reading Notes:Turkish

I chose the Turkish story for this week. Within this there were four separate stories I really enjoyed the first one called fear. I feel like it had a lesson to be learned. That even the bravest hero is afraid of something. I am thinking of using this story for this week. Maybe placing it in the 80s or ever modern times. I feel like the idea of showing someone what fear is, would be a very interesting story. The other one I liked was the wizard-dervish.
Turkish Illustration Mythology and folklore 
I was also thinking of using the scene where the maiden and the youth are trying to hide from her mother. I was thinking of kinda using these ideas and creating a new story from it but i haven't decided yet. I felt like I escape into a difference work when reading these stories. I really enjoyed these readings this week. And I can't wait to see what the readings are tomorrow.

Bibliography: Forty-four  Turkish Fairy tale by Ignacz Kunos link to text

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 3

It's week three of the semester and I am actually socked how fast this semester is already going by. Luckily the stress has not kicked in yet. I haven't had any major projects yet. I have actually had time to do my readings in most of my classes. last week was a little bit of a struggle with the reading but having Monday off has helped me play catch up just a little bit.
For some reason I do my best writing during my film screenings on Wednesday. I watch a movie musical every week in my film class. My creative process has been the strongest during this class. So far this has worked. I am going to keep trying to do this and see what I come up with. My writing is getting stronger every time I write a new story.
My mind when I read webdevelopment
I am loving creating a new story every week for this class. And it is actually a stress reliever. I get to escape into my own worlds and let my imagination take over. This is the same result when I am reading other peoples stories. It is my favorite point of the week. It gives me a chance to escape into someone else's world and imagination. I did some extra credit commenting as well.
All of these things have helped me keep my stress level down so far. The rest of the week seem like it will flow by very nicely, especially since we have our first home game this weekend!

Story: Film Week

Film week in Vegas was here. Holly had been looking forward to this all semester. Her school only picked seven film students a year to fly out to Vegas, to work on a set of a major motion picture. This year the movie was called The Beautiful Sirens, based on the Greek mythology creatures the sirens.  All Holly had to do was get through day without to many distractions. Luckily she had managed to do this. All she had left was the required trip meeting, which she almost missed because of a nap. Before she knew it, she was on a plane with six of her friends to Vegas. 
Las Vegas Strip Bilnkit Travel Journal
     When they got there, they had about six hours to kill. "Come on lets go explore before the shoot." Jake said. They all agreed and headed out for the strip. There weren't a lot of people out and it was rather quiet, which was strange for a city. So Jamie and Holly decided to throw on their headphones and jammed out to the playlist they made for the trip. The seven of them couldn't decide which casino they wanted to go in first. They had past the Bellagio, Planet Hollywood, MGM Grand Casino, and casino after casino they still didn't go in. They had been walking for about a hour and once they past the hooters casino Holly moaned, "Ugh Jake can you just pick one! We have to be on set in like two hours." he waved her off and they wake about five more until a striking women with a singing voice like a bird caught their attention. Well everyone except for Holly and Jamie who were still jamming out to their music.
   The group had stopped so abruptly it caused Jamie and Holly to run into them. "Hey what gives" Holly said. There was no reply, just blank faces; the group’s attention was on the woman. An abandon casino rested behind the striking woman and as soon as she turned away everyone except for Jamie and Holly followed her inside. "Hey guys, I don’t think this is a good idea." Jamie said trying to steady her voice. As they walked inside the beautiful melody grew stronger. They had walked into the center floor of the casino and about three dozen women with equally beautiful singing voices appeared. 

Inside an Abandoned Casino Untapped Cities
      Jake was following a girl with silky black hair, that didn’t look older then twelve, straight to a black pit in the ground. “Jake look out!” Jamie screamed, but nothing happened he kept walking towards it. She ran towards Jake, pulling him away from the pit. Before she knew it the silky blacked haired girl ripped her headphones out of her ears and began to sign louder putting Jamie into a trance. “Ok guys we should, probably head back.” Holly said. But once again nothing happened. The music grew stronger and Holly had had enough. She began to drag Jamie by her arm but she wouldn’t budge. “What’s wrong with you?” she yelled.

  “Shh... Relax Holly. Listen to the beautiful music.” Jamie replied with a breathless voice. Holly sat there for a moment staring at Jamie. “music…music.. THEIR SIRENS! IT’S THE SINGING.” Right then she scrolled through her phone to find the most grunge song she owned. She pulled out her beats pill from her bag. Putting the volume as loud as possible the grunge music blared through the hall causing the women’s music to stop just long enough to pull her friends back to reality.  “What happened.” Jake said coming out of the trance. “I’ll explain once we are out of here. Just listen to my music and only my music.” Holly ordered. With confused looks on there face they began to follow the horrible sounding music. The women tired to regain the melody but the music blaring through the speaker changed melodies every measure causing the women to shriek and fall back deep into the hall.
   Finally out side and at least a block away from the abounded casino they stopped to catch their breath. “I don’t think I would ever say this but thank the lord for grunge music.” Jake said laughing.  “You and me both, you and me both.” Jamie said. After a long walk back to set in silence and jumping at any sound of a woman singing they met up with their professor. “So how did exploring go?” he said. The group gave a little giggle, and Holly said, “They are right what they say about this place.  What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

Las Vegas Sign About Travel

Authors' Notes 
I based this off the last story in the Odyssey. The story about the sirens. Instead of Odysseus and his crew on a ship and trying to make it through the sirens with no damage, I changed it to a trip to vegas and exploring gone wrong. I felt like this was a new way of showing the sirens trance and the idea that the group of students already know what sirens are by the film they are about to work on. 

Bibliography: Homer's Odyssey Link to text

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Reading Notes: Odyssey

I choose to read Homer’s the Odyssey. It was one of my favorite stories we read in high school. This story intrigued me by the adventure aspect it had. Anytime Odysseues’ looked to be in the clear something else bad or challenging would happen. One of my favorite stories was the one about the sirens. I am thinking of using this part of the story and using that idea to create a new story. I had some suggestions to continue the story from last week. So I think I am going to try and tie in last weeks story with this one. But the setting of this will be in Vegas or I may keep them there at the school.
Odysseues and the Sirens wikipedia
The idea of using the sirens to distract people into doing something they wouldn’t really do may be the lead of my story for this week. The reason I liked the last story so much was the idea even when we was told not to listen he disobeyed and listened anyways. He did this just to see what he would be missing. I am going to try to tie in the lesson into my story this week.

The one difference I did see from Homer’s lliad to Homer’s Odyssey was the odyssey was writing from a person’s point of view instead of third person. I felt like this gave the story a more storytelling vibe then lliad. Even though we don’t see inner thoughts we can tell what the emotion from Odysseues. To me this adds a spicy of adventures from ones point of view to it.

Bibliography: Homer's:The Odyssey link to article