Sunday, August 28, 2016

Growth Mindset

Learning about Growth Mindset was very interesting. Using the words not yet or yet instead of passed or failed seemed to help boost kids self esteem. It is to try to encourage kids to want a challenge. Not wanting it to be easy for them.
   I agree that everyone should want to challenge there brain and not just depend on it being easy. The reason why I see people like the easy way is they know they have accomplished something that may have been hard or its something there very talented at. I know for me school has always been challenging no matter what I have done. This is for the reason of my reading and writing disability.  So when something came easy for me it was a sign of relief. It shows that I have gained strength in this area and my skill set is already stronger. I'm not saying everything needs to be easy but not everything needs to be  a challenge either.
   While at OU I have learned from my strengths and weakness. The great thing about something coming easy is that I can budget my time to focus more time on the harder more challenging assignments. The easy busy work still engages my mind but at a slower pace and allows my mind to rest.
   I am not to sure how I feel about the Growth Mindset. The parts about telling a kid they didn't fail, that they just haven't achieved full potential yet is a good idea, but at that same time if this was used with me I don't feel like I would have tried as hard as if it said I hadn't passed. I think I would be interested in learning more about Growth Mindset to see if it would help me with the challenges I already have with school. I guess in a way it's stating you learn from your mistakes, or your failures but if we hide the fake that we failed then how do we learn from these failures?

Quote about Growth Mindset via Growth Mindset Memes blog


  1. Hi Melanie, I also enjoyed learning about the Growth Mindset. I agree that challenging kids to grow and improve helps them more over time. Like you said, school has always been a challenge so getting positive re-enforcement is crucial. Not everything has to be an impossible challenge. You made a good point that avoiding the whole “failing” scenario might discourage students from trying as hard.

  2. I agree with you completely about how if you hadn't been told that you failed you wouldn't have tried as hard. I think that would have been the issue for me too. But it is important that we continue to challenge and find new innovative ways to boost imagination for the younger generation.

  3. I thought you had a very interesting perspective on this subject. I never really thought about the fact that failure was a motivator, but I think you are right. I probably wouldn't have tried as hard either if it wasn't pass or fail. I do like that growth mindset focuses more on learning than on memorizing to pass, though. I guess it can go both ways. Your post has me thinking!!
