Two days before the wedding the princess came to the palace. She was beautiful, probably the most beautiful person the young prince had ever seen. She had caught him in a trance and couldn't imagine marrying anyone but her. The prince rushed into the wedding preparations. He spent the those two days getting everything ready.
The sun had begun to set the night before the wedding and the witch was waiting under the oak tree just as they had agreed. She waited there until there was no more sunlight. Her young prince never showed, so she went to investigate where he had gone. When she got into the palace she saw her prince's arms around the princesses shoulders. This made her furious. She made the princess vanishing in thin air and casted a curse over the prince for his betrayal. She then turn the palace into a huge forest with the oak tree at the center and turn the prince into a black cat . Where he shall remain until he he could see the good from the inside instead of just outside.
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Until one day he made his rounds and once more the old women laid down the bowl of milk. He was so hungry he decided to take the old woman's kindness. After finishing it, he hopped up on the table to meet the woman's gaze. She began to pet him and talk about her life. The cat prince sat there and listened until the end of the day. She offered him a place for the night. He gladly took the offer. When entering the woman's home, which was more of a shake, the women began to talk to him once more. He found a comfortable place on the the ground and admired her.
She said "you're a pretty nice cat. I'll keep you if you'll have me." The cat prince nodded in response. With the nod the cat prince was transformed into an old man. The witches curse had finally been broken, and the two never stopped loving each other till the end of their days.
Author's Notes:
I chose the story the Enchanted Prince. The original story reminded me of beauty and the beast. But I wanted to change it slightly to were the prince had a better lesson to learn. I also wanted to keep it in a classic time period because I felt like the setting fit better. I also added a back story to the witch and the prince as well as the prince breaking his promise to meet the witch.
Bibliography: Filipino Popular Tales: Enchanted Prince by Dean Fansler. Link to source