Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 4

So last week I had said the stress level hadn't kicked in, well I found it in week 4. And it is only Tuesday. I feel like week four is the week when everyone realize how much stuff needs to get done. As well as exams start to appear. This last week I had gotten behind on some of my work so I am trying to get ahead in all my classes as well as playing catch up on lots of readings in other classes. Usually I don't really need to read for my other classes but my Communication class you have to read the book or you will be completely lost.

The great thing about this class is, it makes me write every day. Which, in my opinion, makes my writing skills stronger. As well as allowing me to be more knowledgable of different ways to write something. Like my last post was written in second person. Going back to the stress part. I'm one of four captains for the Pride of Oklahoma Color Guard. And we are learning a new show every week, which we write, I just have to find time to do homework and work around the pride schedule. But don't get me wrong I'm excited for the Ohio State Game this weekend! Let's go beat those Buckeyes!
Oklahoma and Ohio State stats via Sooner Sports

But looking at the rest of this week getting ahead in this class will defiantly help me catch up on some readings for some of my other classes. I just need to keep reminding myself to take it one step at a time.

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