Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Reading Notes: Odyssey

I choose to read Homer’s the Odyssey. It was one of my favorite stories we read in high school. This story intrigued me by the adventure aspect it had. Anytime Odysseues’ looked to be in the clear something else bad or challenging would happen. One of my favorite stories was the one about the sirens. I am thinking of using this part of the story and using that idea to create a new story. I had some suggestions to continue the story from last week. So I think I am going to try and tie in last weeks story with this one. But the setting of this will be in Vegas or I may keep them there at the school.
Odysseues and the Sirens wikipedia
The idea of using the sirens to distract people into doing something they wouldn’t really do may be the lead of my story for this week. The reason I liked the last story so much was the idea even when we was told not to listen he disobeyed and listened anyways. He did this just to see what he would be missing. I am going to try to tie in the lesson into my story this week.

The one difference I did see from Homer’s lliad to Homer’s Odyssey was the odyssey was writing from a person’s point of view instead of third person. I felt like this gave the story a more storytelling vibe then lliad. Even though we don’t see inner thoughts we can tell what the emotion from Odysseues. To me this adds a spicy of adventures from ones point of view to it.

Bibliography: Homer's:The Odyssey link to article

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