Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Famous Last Words: Losing Motivation

This week it's very stressful. I am just losing motivation to do anything. I think my senioritis is kidding in, which isn't good. I have a full semester after this. I am find ways to keep myself motivated. If you guys have any ideas I would love to hear them. Right now what is motivating me are the trips I am going to take in the near future. Such as going to the Iowa State Game next week, then to New Jersey, and after that home for Thanksgiving. I just need to keep pushing forward.

On a good note a couple of my exams were pushed back, as well as several papers. This helps a lot with the stress factor. I have realized in the past couple of days I am really slacking on this class and need to step it up. Get back into the swing of things. I really love my Alice project but I am a little worried that I am trying to be a perfectionist and over think what I want to do instead of having fun with it.

I am also starting to lose inspiration with some of my stories for this class. At the beginning of the semester it was really easy to come up with stories. Now I just feel distracted and my mind is somewhere else. So the inspiration for my storytelling is getting lost in my other thoughts. I would love to hear some advice for getting my head back in the game.

So the plan for this week and probably weeks to come is to step up a better schedule to figure when things need to get done. I also need to find new ways to motivate and inspire myself for class work. Lastly I need to spend less time on Social Media and on my phone in general. The rest of the week is looking bright. I just need to keep moving forward.

Motivational quote Plus Quotes

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