Monday, October 3, 2016

Reading Notes: Tibetan Folk Tales Part 1

This week I read several Tibetan Folk Tales. Each tale had a moral to it. At the end of each story it explained what the moral of the story was. I really like this because it made sure you learned the lesson that was being taught.

I think my favorite story was the How the Fox Fell Victim to His Own Deceit. It's teaching a lesson to never come in between friends or never break up a friendship because you feel like you are being left out. I think I may use this for my retelling this week. I may change the animals or make them people. I haven't quick decided yet.

The story that was my least favorite was Covetousness. Everyone dies in the end of the story. I understand the greedy part of it, but the part where the elephant dies because he was trying something new I do not think this was a good lesson. In the end it said don't try something that is not meant for you but to me it seemed that the elephant was just wanting to try something new.

Overall I really enjoyed the readings today and can't wait to read more tales tomorrow.

Cover of the Tibetan Folk Tales, Blogger
Bibilography: Tibetan Folk Tales by Albert Shelton Link to Source

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