Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Reading Notes: British North America Part B

These stories where a bit more confusing. It was also a lot harder to stay focused while reading them. The one that shocked me the most was the story "Turtle and Thunder"  Turtle goes in search to find someone to help him figure out who is striking him.  When he finds help, it is several little turtle. These turtles end up dying. I think if I was going to do this story I would change it in a way to have the turtles live but still keep the legend.
Turtle wikipedia

The story of  "Wolverine and Rock" didn't make much sense. It didn't really teach a lesson. I mean I cold almost see the lesson of be grateful for what you get. It also just ends, there is no real conclusion with this story. The story that had a plot twist in it was the "Origin of the Chinook Wind". It was almost like it was two separate stories. I think I may do this one for my storytelling this week. I would base it around the second half of the story when Fox and Hare have a race. I would expand the race to be a little longer and have a little more depth to the tail. I am also thinking of not having Fox win the race maybe change it around some. This section was a little bit of an eye opener. In the way of how the stories where told and what they were about. I really enjoyed this unit.

Judson's Myth's and Legends of British North America Link to source

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